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«Don Juan brought the child to Spain and Franco too approached his son» Jose Luis Garcia Perez interview (English version)

He is an actor by avocation. More than an actor, artist. Artist not in the folklorero of the term, to sense it too, if not in the literal, which comes from the substantive art. José Luis García Pérez to be an actor is more than to learn a script and interpret it to perfection, is someone committed to art, with the ritual of the art. Maybe that comes from their studies of prehistory. This drawing of a man, drawing on a wall a hunting scene while that in the counter plans of others enfervorizan before the desire to hunt is the origin of what he seeks with his work. Because José Luis speaks a lot of work. Reasons not missing. The series 'Vive Canatndo' continues to be a leader in television where it is one face rather than visible because it has also provided his face and gestures to the grandfather of the King, Don Juan. In the theatre, not to confound name, will be the Tenorio. Blanca Portillo herewith and that can be your dream. Directing, but film. Theatre has already done so, although a short film also... Its last stop, for the moment, is the length.

You are much more slender, José Luis....
It is that it first wanted a physical change for me. I wanted very much. I have changed my diet. The sport has always been very present in my life, now also, but I have multiplied it by 20. And when you learn to eat, even if you do not want, you lose weight.

No, it has nothing to do with a new role?
Don Juan Tenorio.

There wanted me to come.
Both Blanca (Portillo) and I wanted a particular physical state.

How is this new Tenorio? An adaptation?
What, is the Don Juan to use. The text is the original. Full. In Juan Mayorga version that has managed the more all parts, but, moreover, it is the text of Zorrilla, but the paradigm shift is that, until now, seemed the Spanish hero par excellence says in his first monologue that he killed seventy and so many people and has sold to.....
I don't know how many women, on the basis of that the character is not a romantic hero to use. This is the new version. A new point of view. And then, that Assembly is very powerful in its modernity.

Is it the first time that you are facing this classic?
It is a challenge. Not in the strict sense. Many years ago we shot a movie, "Amor y Perir en Seville", where Don Juan was Luis Mejia, so yes, it is the first time that I am doing Don Juan.

Fuck Yes. Between the character and the work that is Blanca Portillo, is as if put you the pole vault bar, five centimeters higher, let's see what such. It scares very much, but it motivates a lot.

But the jump network, isn't it?
A relative network. In the end, you have to go out there and face the public. You have the network to build your.

It is not TV, that is clear.
They are totally different areas.

And you move like a fish in water. And now, twice.
In 'Vive Cantando' we want to touch the soul of the people. It is a small budget, but big emotions series. 'El Rey' is a superb production and, hence, the intention is they make a kind of 'The wing West of the White House' to the Spanish. It is a very powerful series, that things were not counted, and most of the people don't know.

Despite being a real character, that it has a benchmark we have all seen on a television news for example, must be difficult.
I Love to meet characters who have lived or live. I like Escarvar in their actual circumstances. Not have to invent them. You have them there and you only have to delve into that and in its historical context. And this was a challenge that forced me to interpret it from the 30 years until it dies. A challenge for me and for makeup and hairdressing, because Don Juan is nothing like me. So I had three hours of make-up and make-up. Everyone was going home when I played and I stayed another hour ended the shooting less.

Don Juan, however, is a character from our history quite unknown, no?
Completely. So apart from documentary research, I had to find out the spirit of the character, its engine in life, what moved him to do things, was the only thing that could be done for, playing him, people say ' Coño, but if it is true, is it '.

And what motivations were those?
A very important desire. I have the feeling that Don Juan was living in another age, that his vision of the monarchy had been rooted back. It had something to do with the duty of the monarchy and, of course, with the assets. With the weight of responsibility. And I think that responsibility led him to the ultimate consequences.

Was outdated?
I was a bit out of time. And then, met face to face with the dictator Franco and that rivalry was a motor in his life.

Especially when Franco proclaimed his son with Dolphin, I guess.
It went the wrong move. Don Juan brought the child to Spain as a way of bringing the monarchy to Spanish society and what happened was that Franco too approached his son. That brought him many internal, political and personal conflicts.

It is rare, but that part of the history of Spain we never arrived at school. 
It is told very little. I studied history and even so, it is hard to explain it yourself. But, by setting aside my own point of view on the dictatorship or democracy or the monarchy, this is a piece of the history of Spain very fictional. It took a thousand things. It's like 'The wing West of the White House', even as 'Game of Thrones'. It is very dramatic and very dramatizable. As Spaniards, we deserve to know more about our recent history. The Americans do it very well. Account its history almost immediately.

It is a good way to mix your two passions: history and interpretation. How did you spend for the history student actor?
I've always liked much to travel. Speaking of engines each, mine is the journey. BUP and COU I was traveling a lot and when I had the doubt of whether to do journalism or history. I do not know very well, but I enrolled in economics. It was an absolute failure. The numbers are not my thing and if I hurry, the economy and I do not we get along very well. But there was a theater group. The theatre opened me the doors to wait until that moment was a hobby, but not from the point of view of tinsel or fame, if not the creative.

The tinsel and fame...
It is that I think that it is something that is invented. We are all normal people. Absolutely normal. The only glamour used to sell. And he believed a star or believed something different to others is silly from House. Believe in you, something is to have a lack.

But being an actor, be always judged by a public, for better or worse, you must construct an ego, as different from the rest.
Being an actor is a job that we all do. A star is who saves lives.

But an actor...
If Yes... I also believe that the actor is more than just learning a script. I believe in the profession in the classical sense of the profession. An act must be someone very formed that as it can be interpreted, can direct, write... Be more than one coming out on TV.

You do all that
Yes. I produce Theatre, I have directed a short film, I run a theatre... Right now I am doing the adaptation of a classic text of Scandinavian theatre of the 19th.

An Ibsen?
No, but he goes out there. I love to tell stories and I have as a goal to be able to direct a film. It is to devote myself to this cannot be only to learn a script. For me that would be frankly boring, and there is nothing that gives me more terror than bored. That cannot happen to me. I would be rusty.

Working both one not be can get bored.
I started with 22 years and until now I have not stopped.

That's more than luck is a miracle...
I have to give thanks because it is good luck. One is the work also, eh. But there is the luck factor, of course. I've managed to live for this and I've seen as many people with talent and eager lost faith. In the end, we all have to take food to home. I, on the other hand, am a lucky person. I should find it and work on it, but I saw the light and no I have never lived in darkness.

You are so lucky that you compete with yourself in different chains
I'm not in a chain and is a penalty that competition for audiences. In reality, the actors do not compete, competing chains with their products. I refuse to compete with my colleagues, I want to and  i have respect.

It is a stereotype, but are in what medium you most comfortable?
I feel comfortable working. TV gives you an absolute immediacy, much of mental work and the public quickly, get into their homes and eat and dinner. The film gives you the possibility to work subtly, to be a sniper's emotions, but the theatre... The theatre is communion with the other. That is priceless. In the theatre you are an Acrobat of the emotions. It is a journey almost therapeutic. You do a function and you change the day. It has something sacred, spiritual. It is a ritual that makes you feel more human. The rite of the theatre has accompanied us since the beginning of time.

Jo, but there are actors who have never done theater.
The theatre is very slavery. It involves many hours... If you do theater it is difficult to reconcile with other projects. You have an obligation to time and earn less... That influence.... We are all comedians and theatre is very uncomfortable.

And the unstable to be Loco life...
It has a component of instability that forces you to get stability, but in yourself and that, as you take low form, can make you a lot of damage. This is a very bipolar industry. Today you have success, tomorrow a dreadful failure. Take your personal life those bumps are a bitch. So we must relative things. You're the best in the world or you are the worst in the world. You're you.

Once, Cesáreo Estébanez, when he left me a test poorly and I was crying, he said. Hey, do not you're good? Which actor would you like to be you? Gary Cooper? And I said: Gary Cooper would be nice, Yes. And I answered: as Gary Cooper is dead. So, thus seen, that forces you to be you, with the good and bad that you have.

That's the worst thing about your profession?
They also envy, but that's bad in the world in general. Envy is the worst thing that you can feel.

It is also that you ask for your private life, that you have not well...
(laughs) Is that not finished to understand what is the interest of the public for the private life of an actor when there are people who live by and for public life. Where is the interest in seeing me walk like a dog?

That as you get into the House of the people, that people want to know more about you after watching you in a series...
The curiosity understands it, but would the gossip? Just like those people who see me on TV, I also have a private life

But they are not famous...
Look, I am always asked, what series is at home: 'B & B' or 'Vive Cantando'? But if I have two TVs! (José Luis García Pérez's girlfriend is Cristina Alarcón, the actress from 'B & B'). I don't do nothing different from the rest...

And how it is falling in love of an actress?
Just like falling for a human being.

I remember that an actress told me that with an actor you never know if he tells you the truth or lies...
For lying, I charge. Besides, I was given fatal. Acting is something else, everything is a lie, but you are not lying. And fall for a player in the fall for another person with whom you share something else. Sometimes, that share, conversations around the work, is what matters least. You usually fall in love with the other part of the person, which is what makes you feel better to evade you all and expand the spirit. That is what makes love, it makes you bigger. We already have enough work as actors to which we also love to become that.

Before talking about goals and dreams, do yours?
I would love to shoot a movie as a director. That is a goal, a dream, but it is not something in the long run, because if don't, conditions you all the way. I would like to live the trip. Let me carry, but by the life that I lead and the same thing happens in private life, is a path that you are going to build with your steps. I am very happy with my life. Or want to live in Hollywood or I want to have a family with six children, or at least for now. I think something very far away. I'd rather live life day by day. In that, I'm very Someone. Happiness is on the way. The goal is to improve tomorrow, and last, will come last. Do I give you many returns to this truth?

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