José Luis García-Pérez representa el Don Juan Tenorio en el teatro Pavón de Madrid hasta el próximo 15 de febrero. El actor opina que considerar héroe a Juan Tenorio es una equivocación. Blanca Portillo la directora de la obra quería quitarle definitivamente el cartel de héroe porque no lo merece ya que, según ella, encarna todos los defectos que la humanidad querría que desaparecieran del planeta (29/01/15).
José Luis García-Pérez shows the darker side of don Juan Tenorio:
The actor, Jose Luis Garcia Perez said to Las mañanas of RNE, that physically and emotionally Don Juan Tenorio, is one of the most powerful things that touched him to do this role, but to enjoy it a lot.
Blanca Portillo, the Director of this proposal, wanted to eliminate the Tenorio's heroic image since it embodies all the defects that humanity would like that they disappeared from the planet.
Juan Mayorga is the author of this faithful stage version in which don Juan not be redeemed. In this, it is stressed that before his moment of love with Doña Inés, comes from Ana de Pantoja-raping and then March to assassinate her father.
In this don Juan, there is no hope, when you see a small flame on the character of Doña Inés, who represents the light of innocence, blowing, and continues with her life.
This Sevillan actor has confessed that they wanted to delve into the reasons to make this persons well and they have discovered an important clue in the relationship with her father. The conclusion that the company has reached is that an abuser always has relationship with an abusive father and this is coupled with the effective lack of the mother who does not appear in the text.
The actor, who worked with Amparo Baró in siete mesas de billar frances, has had a sense of memory about the actress that she is an outstanding actress and a good woman.
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