Bajo Sospecha has left behind the familiar surroundings of its first season to focus its action in the professional world of a hospital. However, a character stands as a link between the two worlds, José Luis García Pérez gives life to the husband of the first victim, and with it the series shows the suffering of families. He explains how his character and how to transfer emotion riddled with analytical characters that are used to making life or death decisions in seconds space.
- How did you live when you were chosen for the role of Enrique?
JL: For me it was a pleasure because it was like coming home. I already worked with bamboo in white glove , which is the series that I liked to do, so it was a desired return.
- How is Enrique?
JL: Enrique Mendez is the husband of Isabel Freire, one of the first missings, and from the outset is on the cusp of what happens. Although the main plot unfolds in the hospital, my character is personal and sentimental part. Moreover there are more, but for now I can not say anything (laughs).
- In the first season we suspect you have numbered a family history, and is now a professional world. Perhaps your character serves some hinge between the two cases ...
JL: When work not notice much, because it is a series where the professional environment weighs much, but I'm representing that sentimental part. It is a link with the first season in that sense, because he needed the second case an emotional part, because the other characters live the situation in a more visceral way.
- How has it been working with Concha Velasco after illness prevented her to agree Vive Cantando?
JL: Each time we met in a sequence we both excited. I admire, adore and love, and it is something mutual. It's a thrill every time we met and we we missed, although I must say that Kiti Manver was great in Vive Cantando.
- The shift from Vivo Cantando to Bajo Sospecha is evident, where do you see yourself more comfortable?
JL: I feel comfortable doing everything. Fortunately I get all type of characters, including Vive Cantando and Bajosospecha and I was in and as Hernan Cortez . I'm lucky that I can do everything fairly well and that's what I enjoy. Repeating myself bores me deeply.
- What you need to do?
JL: I need everything. I never set goals. Each character is a challenge, so all you can get is what I need to do.
- You do not put goals, but what have your professional dreams?
JL: To me the character of Hernán Cortés and I really like having a series on it. His story, which is that of all of us should know and should be told.
- What projects you have in hand?
JL: We released two films this year. "The country of fear" (El pais del Miedo) of Francisco Espada and "Lejos del Mar" from Imanol Uribe . And I'm rolling in "La Verdad" of Telecinco, so I'm very happy.
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