Cachorro (Bear Cub) - The movie released on 27/28 of April, 2004.This film directed by Miguel Albaldejo, who introduced #JoseLuisGarciaPerez to the Spanish cinema. The film was also released in French and English languages. It was decent hit even in United States and people loved the theme of the story.
Even it had been 12 years, this film still continuing to attract several people which made the film one of the household DVD's irrespective of the language, story and sexuality.
The film has many memorable dialogues..... "Being a father has ruined your sense of humour"........
Even it had been 12 years, this film still continuing to attract several people which made the film one of the household DVD's irrespective of the language, story and sexuality.
Even it had been 12 years, this film still continuing to attract several people which made the film one of the household DVD's irrespective of the language, story and sexuality.
Legacy continues.....
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